Based on the legendary manga by Yoshihiro Togashi originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump for four years from 1990 and published by Shueisha, the story revolves around Yusuke Urameshi, who spends his days getting into fights and dies in an accident while trying to protect a young child.

As he grapples with the fact that he is looking down on his dead body, a woman named Botan who calls herself a guide to the spirit world relays to him the shocking truth: no one expected a delinquent like Yusuke to die performing an act of goodness, and there was no place for him in either heaven or hell. Thus, Yusuke is given a chance to be revived, and after passing his trial, he becomes an Underworld Detective. From there, Yusuke becomes entwined in a mystery that envelopes the human, demon and spirit worlds.

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Crew Credits

  • Ryo Sakaguchi Overall VFX Supervisor
  • Harry Lam VFX Supervisor
  • Joel Delle-Vergin VFX Supervisor
  • Shin Nam VFX Producer
  • Katrina Kouen Kim Associate VFX Producer

Before & After

In the Media


Creative Team Behind Netflix’s ‘Yu Yu Hakusho’ Talk VFX Achievements

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Los Angeles Times

Why Netflix is turning ‘Yu Yu Hakusho,’ ‘One Piece’ and other manga series into live-action shows

When Netflix executives decided to do a live-action adaptation of the popular manga “Yu Yu Hakusho,” they knew it would have a built-in audience.
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Nikkei Asia

'One Piece' effect: How Netflix uses tech to bring manga to life

Live-action manga adaptations have proven notoriously difficult for Hollywood to get right, but Netflix aims to buck the trend by working with Japanese creators and using advances in visual effects to recreate their worlds more faithfully.
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